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Boulle Conservation and Repair

Andre-Charles Boulle (1642 –1732) was one of France’s leading cabinetmakers, whose style of inlay work swept through Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries. Boulle created furniture for the Palace of Versailles, his style characterized by elaborate adornment with brass and tortoise shell marquetry. Although the technique of marquetry was originally used by 16th-century Italian craftsmen, Boulle developed it in his own style, and his work was heavily imitated. Ludovic looks after the Boulle collection at Blenheim Palace.

Boulle items frequently come into our workshop with significant lifting or missing brass, tortoiseshell or pewter. When we lift and re-lay we take utmost care to ensure that the colour, surface finish and patina is maintained across all surface areas by avoiding heat in the process.

The images show how we lift blistered and lifting areas, carefully removing any debris and old adhesive before re-laying.

For further information on our boulle conservation and repair services, please contact us